Admiral General Aladeen's video demand to be allowed at the Oscars worked. (I hope Hillary Swank is his date.)
And a few more links:
1. Deadspin on the new Ben and Jerry's ice cream flavor:
Available only at their Harvard Square location, Ben & Jerry's is selling a limited edition "Taste The Linsanity" flavor, which includes delicious little crumbles of fortune cookie. This, despite the Asian American Journalists Association's clear warning that there's no "compelling reason to draw a connection between Lin and fortune cookies, takeout boxes or similar imagery."Update: They've removed the fortune cookie bits.
Also, "Taste The Lin-Sanity" features lychee, which is a fruit native to Southeast Asia, which is not the part of Asia that Jeremy Lin comes from. (The part of Asia that Jeremy Lin comes from is Northern California.)
2. Rick Santorum shook Ron Paul's hand like a madman after this week's debate.
3. The new SSX demo (PS3) is a wonderful return to the series, and I've liked every song I've heard so far. My 6 year old instantly fell in love too. Here's the SSX soundtrack lineup and individual downloads at Amazon, and if you preorder the game you'll get a $10 Amazon credit and bonus snowboard.
4. Just added as preorders at the BBTS, DC Universe All Stars Series 02-03 (Flash, Red Robin, Supergirl, Superman, Hawkman, Steel, Batman, Batgirl).
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